Analysis of fault causes causing uneven marking effect of laser marking machine

What are the common root causes of faults that cause the marking effect of laser marking machines to be uneven? Laser marking machines are widely used, especially in the field of craft products, and are favored by customers.
But equipment is just like people. With the increase of usage time and damage to parts, various problems will occur in the equipment. The same is true for laser marking machines. It may cause unfair cleaning at the bottom.

So, what is actually going on that causes the laser marking machine to have uneven cleaning at the bottom? How should I solve it myself? Today I have compiled the following information for your reference.
One of the common problems is that the marking effect of the laser marking machine is not flat. It is mainly manifested as a significant bulge at the bottom during cleaning. The phenomenon is that there is a significant uneven marking effect at the horizontal and vertical junctions during negative engraving. When engraving, there are obvious raised vertical lines between the characters and the characters. The heavier the marking, the more obvious the phenomenon.

The reasons for the uneven marking effect are as follows:

1. The light output of the laser switching power supply is unstable.
2. The production and processing rate is too fast, and the laser tube response time cannot keep up.
3. The optical path is deflected or the focal length is wrong, resulting in transmitted light and uneven bottom.
4. The selection of focusing lenses is unscientific. You should choose short focal length spectacle lenses as much as possible to improve the light quality.

The solution to clear the uneven marking effect is as follows:

1. Replace the laser power supply for inspection.
2. Reduce production and processing speed.
3. Check the light path to ensure it is correct.
4. Use short focal length spectacle lenses, and the focal length adjustment should take into account the depth of the processed parts.

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